
Dress code; something red

Crayfish season in Finland is in full speed. A crayfish party is a traditional end of summer eating and drinking celebration in the Nordic countries. Crayfish parties are generally held during August. The typical menu consist of crayfish boiled in salt water and seasoned with fresh dill, then served cold and eaten with the fingers or on toast, 5 to 15 crayfish per person. Main course is fish, salad, pie etc. Akvavit, vodka and other kinds of snaps are served, as well as beer and white wine.

I attend yearly a crayfish party at Suvisaaristo in Espoo. There is a dress code; something red. It can be jewellery, t-shirt, hat, shoes... whatever, as long as at least one garment or acessory is red.

Friday night was beautiful and warm, it was lovely to sit by the sea, eat tasty crayfish and smoked salmon and sing Finnish and Swedish drinking songs.

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