
Pumpkin seed salmon and artichoke puree with feta cantaloupe salad

Pumpkin seed salmon (for two)
400 g salmon
½ dl pumpkin seeds
½ dry breadcrumbs (I used dry rye flat bread)
juice of one lime
olive oil
Halve the salmon piece and pat dry.
Puree all other ingredients, spread over salmon. Bake in oven for 25-30 min in 175 c.
Artichoke puree
One can of artichokes in water
2 tbs mayonnaise
50 g freshly grtated parmesan
Puree all ingredients, bake in oven 175 C for 15-20 min.

Cantaloupe salad
½ cantaloupe
200 g feta cheese
fresh mint
2 tbs olive oil
½ dl apple or pear juice
Slice cantaloupe thinly, crumble feta over cantaloupe, sprinkle pepper and fresh mint over salad.
Mix dressing ingredients together, pour evenly over salad.

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