
Home made pasta with chantarelle bacon sauce

I have had pasta machine for 12 years, but I don’t use it very often.

I bought chantarelles on the market on Saturday and decided to make a simple chantarelle bacon and cream sauce with home made pasta. It was very good with dry Riesling.

Home made pasta with chantarelle bacon sauce

3 dl flour
2 eggs
2 tbs olive oil

Mix ingredients and work the dough until it forms an elastic ball (you can use mixer for this). If the dough is very dry, add 1-2 tbs water. Place dough on lightly floured surface; flatten slightly. Cut dough into 4 pieces. Wrap 3 dough pieces in plastic wrap; set aside. 

Knead dough with pasta machine. Set rollers of pasta machine at widest setting . Feed unwrapped dough piece through flat rollers by turning handle. Lightly flour dough strip; fold strip into thirds. Feed through rollers again. Continue process 7 to 10 times until dough is smooth and elastic.

Roll out dough with machine. Reduce setting to position 3. Feed dough strip through rollers. Without folding strip into thirds, repeat on positions 5 and 6. Let dough stand 5 to 10 minutes until slightly dry.  

Attach desired shape and size of pasta roller and feed dough through, catching finished pasta with free hand as it emerges. Repeat kneading and rolling with reserved dough pieces.

 Sprinkle flour on pasta to avoid it sticking together. Cook in salted water for 2 min.


1 shallot
½ l chantarelles
one package bacon
2 dl cream

Sauté chopped shallot and bacon, add chantarelles and sauté for abt. 4 min. Add cream and cook 5 min. Add salt and pepper. Pour over pasta and mix

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