
Antique pharmacy bottles

These vintage pharmacy bottles belong to my mother in law. She has given some bottels to me, but still has an impressive collection left.

Nämä vanhat apteekkipullot kuuluvat anopilleni. Hän on antanut useita pulloja minullekin, mutta jäljellä on vaikuttava kokoelma.

2 kommenttia :

  1. Your Mother-in-law has an amazing collection of pharmacy bottles! I love how she displays them too. How long has she been collecting them?
    Have you started a collection as well?
    Thanks for your comment on my blog. I was so exhausted yesterday I could barely function. It's a lot of fun but also a lot of work! I won't be selling there next month as we are going to Palm Springs for Easter and celebrating my husband's 50th Birthday!
    I always appreciate your comments so much!
    ~xo always

  2. She has been collecting them since 70's.

    My glass bottle collection is in my posting of today.


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