
New online magazine

Amanda of a pretty blog Tart Paperie wrote about a new interesting online magazine Nesting Newbies. I will take my time on weekend to browse the first issue. 

I am already familiar with another online magazine  Lonny.

Kaunista Tart Paperie-blogia pitävä Amanda kirjoitti uudesta mielenkiintoisesta nettilehdestä nimeltä Nesting Newbies. Aion viikonloppuna "selailla" ensimmäistä numeroa.

Toiseen sisustus/lifestyle-aiheiseen nettilehteen Lonnyyn olen tutustunut jo aiemmin.

1 kommentti :

  1. I wanted to come over and thank you for your words of wisdom regarding selling my treasures.
    I really appreciate what you said and I'm going to take it to heart!
    Wish me luck on Sunday!!!
    Wishing you and your husband a wonderful weekend ahead :)


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