
Cous cous salad

Salad of the day ; Prepare cous cous according to instruction on package, mix in tomatoes, freh mint, cucumber, sun dried tomatoes, lemon juice, crushed coriander seeds, jeera, salt and pepper. Easy and fast.

Päivän salaatti; Valmista cous cous paketin ohjeiden mukaan, sekoita joukkoon tomaatteja, minttua, kurkkua, aurinkokuivattuja tomaatteja, sitruunamehua, murskattuja korianterinsiemeniä, juustokuminaa, suolaa ja pippuria. Helppoa ja nopeaa.

2 kommenttia :

  1. Looks delicious!!!
    My Lebanese Mom makes a similar dish called Tabouli. She makes it with cracked wheat or bulgar, tomatoes, parsley, lemon juice, and olive oil. It's a perfect summer time salad. Maybe I'll do a post on it one day as you continually inspire me with the fabulous dishes you make :)
    I'm so excited for you and your husband big trip this summer... what a great time you'll surely have!
    I'm looking forward to all your posts along the way!!

  2. Tabouli is wonderful! Pls make it and post on it.


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