
Isn't she lovely...

I mean Charlotta of Space for inspiration.

I and Husband will spend most July in Australia (and stop in Hong Kong on the way to Australia and back to Finland), partly visiting Husband's relatives in Queensland, partly staying in Sydney, where he studied for a year, over 20 years ago...

I had followed Sydney based Charlotta's blog for a while and asked if she could briefly write in her blog about her favorite areas in Sydney. Instead whisking together two-three tips, she published yesterday her Woollahra guide for me. She had taken time to walk around the area with note book and camera and made a wonderful self guided walking tour complete with map! Isn't that great!

I have studied some guidebooks and they really don't seem to do justice to Woollahra. Without Charlotta I probably would have missed many interesting places.

Charlotta, thanks again. I really appreciate your efforts. It's interesting, how blogging opens new possibilities. How else would I get a city guide made just for me?

This is one of the best things about blogging, it has given us a medium to find people, ideas and thoughts all over the world. It could have never been possible at any other time in history until now.  Blogland has become a global village.
Tarkoitan Space for Inspiration-blogin Charlottaa.

Lähden Siipan kanssa Australiaan heinäkuussa, osittain vierailemme Siipan sukulaisten luona Queenslandissa, osoittain olemme Sydneyssa, jossa hän opiskeli parikymmentä vuotta sitten vuoden verran.
Olin seurannut sydneyläisen Charlotan blogia jonkin aikaa, kun kysyin, voisiko hän kirjoittaa blogiinsa muutaman sanan mielialueistaan Sydneyssä. Sen sijaan, että hän olisi huitaissut kasaan muutaman sanan, Charlotta otti muistivihon ja kameran ja teki Woollahra-oppaan minua varten karttoineen kaikkineen.

Olen tutkaillut muutamaa opaskirjaa ja ne eivät näytä tekevän oikeutta Woollahralle. Ilman Charlottaa olisin luultavasti missannut monta mielenkiintoista paikkaa.

Bloggaaminen on mahdollistanut uusien ihmisten, ideoiden ja asioiden löytämisen mistä päin maailmaa tahansa. Vielä jokin aika sitten tämä ei olisi ollut mahdollista. Ilman bloglandiaa en olisi saanut minua varten kirjoitettua kaupunkiopasta...

2 kommenttia :

  1. How wonderful of her!!!
    Are you two going to meet up when you are there?
    That would be the highlight!

  2. We will meet for coffee in Sydney, it will be fun to meet the person behind the blog! Iam looking forward to it.


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