
Japan inspired salmon salad

Already a while ago I made sushi inspired salmon dish.

Cleaned salmon fillets are rubbed with sushi vinegar mix and lightly salted with coarse sea salt the day before eating, you can also add little sugar to salt. Next day, wipe the fish clean, cut thin slices, sprinkle with more vinegar mix.Serve with cucumber and pickled ginger. Side order is sushi rice seasoned with sesame oil and toasted sesame seeds.
Jo jonkin aikaa sitten tein sushista innoituksensa saaneen lohiaterian.

Puhdistetut fileet hierotaan valmiilla sushiviinietikkaseoksella, suolataan kevyesti karkealla merisuolalla yön yli, seuraavana päivänä fileet pyyhitään suolasta, leikataan ohuiksi viipaleiksi ja maustetaan . Nautitaan kurkun ja säilötyn inkiväärin kera. Lisäkkeeksi sushiriisiä sesamöljyllä ja paahdetuilla sesamsiemenillä maustettuna.

4 kommenttia :

  1. You are an incredible cook... I know I've said this many times but you keep on cooking the most wonderful things! This looks delicious and I love the presentation. I really think one day you and your husband should open a restaurant.

  2. Hi Lumo, I have a question, when you say "sushi vinegar mix" do you mean a mixture of rice vinegar, salt and sugar or do you mean this instant powdered sushi vinegar? So is it wet or dry? I'm asking because I'm looking for recipes using this sushi powder mix.

  3. Robin; I used ready made liquid instant sushi vinegar. You could google for sushi powder recipies; I haven't used the powder mix.

  4. Ah, thanks for clarifying. :-)
    It's not easy finding recipes for this sushi powder as there are sooooo many for making just sushi rice.


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