
Midsummer weekend

Midsummer weekend is one of the biggest celebration of summer in Finland. For many it's the beginning of summer vacation and people head out of cities to countryside

We spend always the long weekend at my in laws with friends and family. This time we have three children and eight adults. Yesterday we took it easy and didn't care about the rainy weather, over eated, picked the first juicy wild strawberries... Enjoyed the summer.

Juhannus on sujunut rauhallisesti ja perinteisesti appivanhempien luona sukulaisten ja ystävien kesken. Meitä on kahdeksan aikuista ja kolme lasta. Eilen söimme liikaa, poimimme kesän ensimmäisiä ihanan mehukkaita metsämansikoita, rentouduimme, emmekä välittäneet ajoittain hyvinkin sateisesta säästä.

2 kommenttia :

  1. Looks like a wonderful time. Enjoy :)

  2. Am literally swimming in my own saliva seeing those wild strawberries! My ABSOLUTE favourite thing to eat.. and especially when eaten off a straw!

    xx Charlotta


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