
Helsinki market square

I will continue posting on my inspiring Hong Kong and Australia holiday, but wanted to share with you some moments from Helsinki Market Square.

Yesterday was (again) a hot day, Husband had gone for his yearly "male bonding" sailing trip with his friends, so I decided to bike to ciy center an dvisi the marke.

Our market is a mix of farmer's market and souvenier/artisan market. It is open around the year, but esecially in summer there are lots of vendors selling vegetables, fruits, flowers, bread, fresh fish and also people selling hand made clothing, furs, jewelry, art etc and also several outdoor cafes and snack booths.

 It's a colorful market by the sea and very popular among locals and tourists.

I bought berries and apricots, will make apricot and pine nut jam today.

Aion jatkaa vielä matkakokemusten kertomista, mutta tähän väliin tuokiokuvia lauantaiselta kauppatorilta.

Tarkoitukseni on ollut jo pitkään kuvata kauppatorilla, mutta luettuani toisesta blogista Kauppatori-aiheisen kirjoituksen sain kimmokkeen pyöräillä keskustaan ja käydä torilla kun Siippakin oli vuotuisella "poikien purjehduksella" ystäviensä kanssa.

Oli hauska katsella ihmisvilinää ja tarjontaa. Vihannekset ja marjat ovat parhaimmillaan ja elokuun turistityntäykseen oli vastaamassa paljon käsityöläisiä.

Ostin karviaisia, joia rakastan sekä aprikooseja, joista tänään teen hilloa pinjansiementen kera.

1 kommentti :

  1. ...yep, me again.. :) Will stop the serial comments after this..

    I love the markets back home.. they are so seasonally driven and to see these pictures makes me so home sick! The chantarells (kantareller pa Svenska!), berries and all that wool.. Sure signs of Autumn.. Enjoy!

    How fun that hubby is sailing. Send my love for when he gets back. He's such a great person.

    x C


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