
Dogs in Paris

Besides food photos, I cannot resist taking photosw of dogs during my trips.

I have photographed dogs on every trip since we received the first digi camera for wedding gift. Mutts and top breeded dogs have been my targets in San Francisco, New York, Boston, London, Dublin, Berlin, Amsterdam, Milan, Sydney, Hong Kong... and of course taken photos of the "chiens" in Paris... these fellows were in markets, parks and streets, where ever I could take the photos without disturbing the dogs or their owners.

Husbans says I could and  should publish a book "Dogs of the world".

Paitsi ruoan kuvaamista, en voi vastustaa koirien kuvaamista matkoillani. 

Aloin kuvaaamaan matkoilla koiria heti digikameran saatuani. Kuvauskohteina on ollut eri rotuisia ja näköisiä koiria San Franciscossa, New Yorkissa, Bostonissa, Lontoossa, Dublinissa, Berliinissä, Amsterdamissa, Milanossa, Sydneyssa, Hong Kongissa... sekä tietysti Pariisissa... kuvasin näitä karvaturreja markkinoilla, kaduilla, puistoissa, missä vain saatoin napata kuvan häiritsemättä omistajaa tai koiraa.

Siipan mielestä minun pitäisi julkaista kirja "Maailman koirat".

3 kommenttia :

  1. Dogs are a favorite of everyone! My charming French dog paintings often sell first. And dogs open up conversations....walk a dog and make a hundred new friends.

  2. Gorgeous photos you took! Yes, why don't you publish the book? Kellie xx

  3. Love the dogs, but hate the French for so totally dissing the 'picking up ethic'.. I remember living in France and having to skip zig zag on the side walks due to the poop left behind..

    But I love the fact that where there is a Frenchman, there is a dog not far off..! :)

    xx Charlotta


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