
Grand opening

I attended yesterday opening night at Design Laakso & Sundman for Mariia's jewelry and Mary's mosaic décollage works.
Mary's mosaic décollage works with Japanese paper and Mariia's jewelery in silver combined with gorgeous, chunky gemstones just fit together like old friends. It was a gorgeous, colorful show.
The show will be exhibited for the next two weeks. Both Mary and Mariia will be at the Gallery on two Saturdays in November, the 6th and 13th.
Gallery hours Tu-Fr 11-17 and Sat 12-14

Eilen osallistuin design Laakso & Sundmanin Mariian korujen ja Maryn decoupagetöiden yhteisnäyttelyn avajaisiin.

Maryn mosaiikkidecoupagetyöt ja Mariian värikkäät hopea- ja kivikorut sopivat toistensa seuraan loistavasti, kumpikin käyttää luovasti upeita värejä ja muotoja.

Näyttely on esillä seuraavat kaksi viikkoa.
Mary ja Mariia ovat yhdessä paikalla myös 6.11. ja 13.11. klo 12-14
Liike on ti-pe avoinna 11-17

2 kommenttia :

  1. Congratulations!!

    I love their stuff and I hope you will show me their shop when we visit Helsinki!
    Am still wearing my gorgeous piece every day and am touched by your kindness.

    I love the pictures and will definitely blog them for added awareness in the near future.
    That 'flower pendant' is heaven!! Does she ship to Australia? If so, how much is it?

    xx Charlotta

  2. It will be my pleasure to introduce you to Mariia. Her shop is a treasure box, great shapes and vibrant colors.

    I love that flower pendant also, she has done several variations of it; pendand, brooch, gemstone necklace.

    Mariia ships everywhere adding only the net postal cost of registered mail on top of jewelry price, payments can be made easily by Paypal.
    More of her designs and contact details are on her blog www.designlaaksosundman.blogspot.com


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