
How to make homemade ricotta


Homemade ricotta
2 l whole milk
1 dl lemon juice, white vinegar or apple vinegar
1 tsp salt

To make your own ricotta is easy, fast and fun!

1.Line a medium colander with two layers of cheesecloth. Set the cheesecloth-lined colander in the sink.

2.Bring the whole milk and salt to a simmer in a large, heavy-duty saucepan over medium-high heat.

3.Stir in the fresh lemon juice or vinegar. Simmer the milk mixture gently until curds form, usually one to two minutes. Put aside and cover for 15 min

4.Using a slotted spoon or mesh skimmer, transfer the curds to the prepared colander. Let them drain for only a minute.

5.Transfer the ricotta to a medium bowl. It can be served right away, or covered and chilled up to two days.

Serve with salad, fill cannelonis or google for more  recipies using ricotta

Kotitekoinen ricotta

2 l täysmaitoa

1 dl sitruunamehua, etikkaa tai omenaviinietikkaa

1 tl suolaa

Kotitekoisen ricottajuuston tekeminen on nopeaa, helppoa ja hauskaa!

1.Vuoraa  isohko siivilä kaksinkerroin taitetulla harsolla.
2. Anna täysmaidon ja suolan juuri ja juuri kiehahtaa kessilämmöllä paksupohjaisessa kattilassa
3. Sekoita joukkoon sitruunamehu tai etikka. Hauduta maitoseosta varovasti, kunnes maitoseos on juoksettunut, ylen 1-2 min. Laita sivuun ja peitä kannella 15 minuutiksi.
4.Nostele juustomassa reikäkauhalla siivilään. Valuta.

Tarjoa salaatin kera, täytä canneloneja ricotalla tai googlaa lisää ricottaresptejä.

3 kommenttia :

  1. I have, have, have to try to make my own Ricotta! I had no idea it was so easy!!!!!! And it looks soooo good!

  2. You always make these things seem so easy..! xx
    I am going to attempt this one day.

    Today I took the morning off packing boxes and headed down to Bondi for breakfast. Then I walked the cliff walk all the way to Bronte and back. As I was half way I saw large pods of whales migrating past the coast. Some elevated through the water and jumped high, where others were just a spouty mist of water. It was heaven!!

    x Charlotta

    P.S. I am hosting a give away for a kids ABC poster. You can enter and nominate a friend in Australia to receive it. I.e. open to all nationalities as long as the shipping address is in Australia or NZ. Perhaps something for your relatives in Queensland?

  3. Oh, it must be bittersweet to move to Sweden... lovely to go back home but sad to leave Sydney!


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