
Helsinki rocks

Mary ja Mariia ovat tehneet korukokoelman paperista ja hopeasta!
Tässä on hyvä idea jos etsit jotain tavallisuudesta poikkeavaa itsellesi tai lahjaksi.

Mariia and Mary have made a jewelry collection combining paper and silver.
This is a good idea if you are looking for something unusual and unique for yourself, for gift or as a souvenir from Helsinki.

2 kommenttia :

  1. They really are SO talented!!
    I love these rock creations, and in particular the first one in the second row, on the yellow background.

    How heavy are the ear rings? They look fantastic, but are they weighty?

    When I eventually make it over to Helsinki, you must take me to these girls!!

    Lots of love

    xx Charlotta

  2. Hi Charlotta!

    All are very light weight, paper beads don't weight much and silver parts are hammered thin.

    I absolutely will take you to meet them!


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