
Advent calendar December 2nd; Sunday reading


Sunnuntailukemiseksi nettilehtiä, joissa on jo joulun tunnelmaa; koristeluideoita, leivontaa, ruokia lahjoja...
Christmas on line magazines for Sunday reading; decoration ideas, baking, holiday foods, gifts...


2 kommenttia :

  1. Hej hej hello!

    Wonderful reading inspiration Tuuli - thank you!
    Haven't had much time to sit down and just enjoy the cyber world. The blog has suffered my neglect for so long, but am trying to make room for some regular writing.

    Hope you and K are well and that Finland is presenting itself from it's prettiest Wintery self!

    xx Charlotta

  2. Hej Charlotta

    Everything is good here except too much snow for my taste... but it gives that Christmassy feeling!

    We have our independence day on Thursday and I am also taking Friday off, looking forward to a long weekend.


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