
Balcony renovation

Our house is bult in 1950, the fiftynine year old balconies have now come to the end of their use and it's time to build completely new ones. When we bought the apartment four years ago, we knew the renovation will eventually start in the next years and now it is the time. Actual work will begin on Monday, but today the beautiful old wine that climbed on the wall was taken down.

We still don't have info how long the renovation will take, but having experinced balcony renovation also in the previous house, I assume it takes about two to three months. Our living room windowns will be covered with plastic, old balconies will be taken down and new ones will be built. They will look exactly the same as the the building represents style of the 50's and changes in look are not allowed.

So, on Sunday I have to take down my balcony mini herb and flower garden and add some new lamps in the living room as it will be vey dark for the next months...
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