
Kiva micro loans

I just made my seventh micro loan to a third world enterpreneur trough Kiva. I learned about Kiva trough a Finnish women's glossy magazine and decided to do something good. My 50 $ has spun around several times, helped store keepers, farmers and cattle keepers around the world to build up their own business and pull out of powerty.

Kiva's mission is to connect people through lending for the sake of alleviating poverty.

Kiva is the world's first person-to-person micro-lending website, empowering individuals to lend directly to unique entrepreneurs around the globe.

Jennifer Buhangin from Pilippines is the latest enterpreneur I have supported by joining a group of loaneres.

"Jennifer is 49 years old and married to Felipe, a construction worker. They have a nine year old son named Jeffrey and he is already in grade four. They are six in the family living together with her parents and nieces at Barangay Cutog Grande Reina Mercedes, Isabela.

Jennifer manages a general store business in their village for almost two months. Her income from the business is being used as a rolling capital. She wanted to borrow a loan from Kiva lenders amounting to PHP10, 000.00. She is hoping that her business will grow and become productive for the welfare of her family. She believes that through patience, success awaits in the future."

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