
Photo books

Photo books are a great way to organize and store holiday photos, they make great gifts also. I have made photo books of all our trips in the past few years and given them to Husband and friends we have travelled with for Christmas present.

It is also now easy to make and publish your own professional looking cookbooks. Make your favorite foods, take pictures of them and add recipies on book. A good, individual gift. Compare online prices and lay outs of books by different suppliers.

Valokuvakirjat ovat loistava tapa järjestää ja säilyttää valokuvia, niistä saa myös erinomaisia lahjoja. Olen viime vuosina tehnyt valokuvakirjat joka matkastamme ja antanut niitä joululahjaksi Siipalle sekä kanssamme matkustaneille ystäville.

Omia suosikkiresepejä voi myös koota valokuvakirjoiksi; valmista ruoka, kata kauniisti esille, ota kuvia ruoasta ja sen valmistuksesta ja lisää resepti kirjaan. Hyvä, yksilöllinen lahja tai keittokirja omaan käyttöön.

Kuvakirjoja valmistavat ainakin Ifolor, Eirikuva, Fuji, Photobox jne.

5 kommenttia :

  1. I agree - they're fabulous things. I did two books of our dog photos for my husband for Xmas - they really are the best present! Leigh

  2. Yes, great way to organize photos of family, animals, friends, weddings etc. I also gave a friend a photo book of their wedding for Christmas present. She was really delighted to have my view of their special day.

  3. Let's hear it for photo books... such an improvement over photo albums!!

  4. I love it . It looks so great , better than photo albums

  5. I so agree. They are one of the best and most personal gifts you can give a loved one or special friend.
    Have long treasured these as the ultimate treat to my family back in Sweden. Documenting & sharing our life here in sunny Australia makes the distance feel shorter.. Well, that and Skype.. :)


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