
Salt cured whitefish

Salt cured whitefish is a great Finnish delicasy and one of my very favorites.

Cleaned whitefish fillets are lightly salted with coarse sea salt the day before eating, you can also add little sugar to salt. Next day, wipe the fish clean, cut thin slices, sprinkle with rose pepper and lemon juice. Serve with salad or dark rye bread.

Graavattu siika on ihana herkku.

Puhdistetut fileet suolataan kevyesti karkealla merisuolalla yön yli, seuraavana päivänä fileet pyyhitään suolasta, leikataan ohuiksi viipaleiksi ja maustetaan rosepippurilla sekä sitruunamehulla. Nautitaan salaatin tai tumman leivän kera.

3 kommenttia :

  1. That looks very interesting and like something I would love to try!! Is it anything like sashimi?
    I love the way you have it plated. It looks very appetizing... I can almost taste it through the screen!

  2. Your husband is a lucky man to have such a fabulous cook for a wife :)

  3. It is quite like sashimi, our Finnish version of raw fish. Peopel either love or hate it... I like salt cured fish salted only very lightly.


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