
Card stand

Husband's parent's have amazing vintage items in their house. This old card stand my mother in law bought from a paper store closing down is one of them.

Siipan vanhemmilla on valloittavia vanhoja esineitä talo täynnä. Tämä korttiteline, jonka anoppini osti toimintansa lopettaneesta paperikaupasta on yksi niistä

3 kommenttia :

  1. I love it! Your mother-in-law's house looks amazing!
    You should post photos of it one day, I'd love to see it. You've shown some of her collections in the past like her old pharmacy bottles. It's so wonderful you have so much in common :)

  2. Their house really is amazing, so many interesting items, antiques and ar, either bought from auctions or inherited. Every item they have has a story.

  3. What a gorgeous way to display cards - love it! Leigh


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