
My new micro loan to Kiva

I have previosly written about the nine micro loans I have made trough Kiva. Some days ago I made the tenth loan for an Afganistan tailor group.

To me this is an easy and good way to pay back even a little and help someone in need. I'ts amazing how little can make a huge difference in someone's life.

One can participate in a loan with as little as 25 $ and money can be withdrawn or reinvested trough Kiva after the loan has been paid back in full.

I have targeted my loans always to women and I am especially glad to be able to support women in Afganistan in my small, humble way.

Rahela is the group leader of the Farooqi Group. She is married with four children and lives in District 11 of Kabul, Afghanistan. Her children are students and her only desire is that her children get an advanced education and have a bright future.

She is a tailor and has been involved in this business for more than 15 years. She needs the loan to purchase all essential sewing materials to develop her business and to support her children to go to a better private school.

About Group Loans

In a group loan, each member of the group receives an individual loan but is part of a group of individuals bound by a group guarantee. Under this arrangement, each member of the group supports one another and is responsible for paying back the loans of their fellow group members if someone is delinquent or defaults

Olen osallistuntunut jo kymmenenteen mikrolainaan Kivan kautta. Tämä on helppo ja hyvä tapa auttaa etenkin kehitysmaiden naisia. On uskomatonta kuinka pienellä summalla voi olla mahdollisuus auttaa muuttamaan elämän suuntaa merkittävästi. Jopa 25 dollarilla voi päästä mukaan rahoittajien ryhmään.

Tällä kertaa autoin afganistanilaisia räätälinaisia hankkimaan ompelutarvikkeita.

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