
Advent calendar 11; Christmas decorations

I have the same decoratison year after year. Even an old, big advent calendar is reused every year... A little sleeping piggy is my favourite, bought it already years ago in Helsinki. Other decorations I have collected in different stores home and abroad.

Even a little kitch does not harm on Christmas time... The Disney wreath in our hall way reminds us of a fun december holiday in Florida eight years ago,.

Meillä on esillä samat koristeet vuodesta toiseen. Jopa adventtikalenteri on vanha... Suosikkini on on nukkuva possu, jonka hankin Helsigistä jo vuosia sitten. Muut koristeet olen hankkinut kotimaasta ja osan myös ulkomailta.

Pikku kitchikään ei haittaa joulunaikaan... Eteisen "seppele" muistuttaa kahdeksan vuoden takaisesta hauskasta Floridan-lomasta.

2 kommenttia :

  1. I love it and agree on the touch of kitsch!

    I am in a constant battle between 'tradition' and 'trend' when it comes to Christmas. I am in dire need of a 'prop room' where I can keep everything categorised and ready to go. I love being spontaneous and so easily get bored. This year our tree is full of 'old time favourites' (will share soon) and the kids love it that way. What counts really..!

    Hugs to you!

    x Charlotta

    P.S. We had fish 'n' chips down at Watson's Bay the other day and I thought of you! xx

  2. Toi possu on kyllä aika ihku:)


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