
Advent calendar 12; Christmas markets, store fronts and windows

Christmas is time for the pretty store fronts, windows and outdoorm markets

Joulun aikaan kauppojen ikkunat ovat kauneimmillaan ja monista suomalaisistakin kaupungeista löytyy tunnelmallisia joulumarkkinoita.

2 kommenttia :

  1. Pitäis kävästä tai ei siellä vaan kävästä vaan mennä kuluttamaan pari tuntia vanhan perinteisiin joulumyyjäisiin. Käyn ostaan itselleni joululahjat sieltä:)

  2. A much loved past time and tradition in my (Swedish) family as well.
    Every first Sunday in December we'd dress up and tour the city to view all the lovely Christmas window displays that would be revealed that very day. It was such a wonderful tradition and the piazza in the center of town would be lit by torches and there would be people selling hot 'glogg' and ginger biscuits.

    Love your capture of your special tour. This series is so beautiful!!

    Hugs to both of you!

    xx Charlotta


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