
Kiva micro loan

I just made another micro loan to a third world enterpreneur trough Kiva. I learned about Kiva trough a Finnish women's glossy magazine and decided to do something good. My 50 $ has spun around several times, helped store keepers, farmers and cattle keepers around the world to build up their own business and pull out of powerty.

Kiva's mission is to connect people through lending for the sake of alleviating poverty.

Kiva is the world's first person-to-person micro-lending website, empowering individuals to lend directly to unique entrepreneurs around the globe. Learn more of Kiva.

This time i took part of Maria Flores' loan. She is 33 years old, divorced, and has three children. She lives in the Maica central area of the city of Cochabamba. She has a business producing milk and at the same time she raises pigs. Maria is very dedicated to her work.

Maria is devoted to the education of her children because when she divorced, her husband was supposed to pay support for the education of the children but so far there has been no support. She works from early in the morning delivering milk so that her children lack for nothing. The children are in school and she provides for them as best she can. Maria got married very young because she was pregnant and her parents compelled her to marry. She had to live with her mother-in-law for some time, and help around the house with the production of milk that her mother-in-law was making. Maria tells us that when she was pregnant with her older child she had to carry out very hard work in the country such as planting corn and milking cows two times a day, but she does not regret working with her mother-in-law because she learned a lot about farm life.

Maria is requesting a loan to buy a rototiller with a trailer, or as it is commonly known, a Motocultor. This would facilitate the movement of alfalfa, soybeans and corn husks and cobs from one place to another so she would not have to exert herself so much physically. She dreams of a better future for her children, and she asks that they never make the mistake that she made of marrying young without first having completed her studies and without having a profession.

Tein juuri uuden lahjoituksen mikrolainasivusto Kivan kautta. Maria on uusin lainakohteeni. Luin järjestöstä 1½ vuotta sitten suomalaisesta naistenlehdestä ja olen osallistunut pienellä summalla jo kahdeksaan lainaan. Järjestö myöntää mikrolainoja kolmannen maailman pienyrittäjille, jotta nämä voivat yritystoimintansa kautta nostaa elintasoaan ja kouluttaa lapsiaan. Lue lisää Kivasta.

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