Lingonberry jam

My colleague gave me a huge jar of her delicious home made lingonberry jam. I always appreciate very much home made gifts, they are made with thought and effort.

Kollegani antoi ison purkin herukullista kotitekoita puolukkahilloa. Arvostan ajatuksella ja vaivalla tehtyjä kotitekoisia lahjoja.

2 kommenttia :

  1. A perfect gift... love the label!
    Please do a post of all your pharmacy bottles soon... I'm dying to see your collection!
    Do you watch the Superbowl in Finland?

  2. No, we don't watch Superbowl here (probably it is available via some satellite sport packages), but Finns are mainly into ice hockey, skiing and Formula 1 car races.

    Will take pictures of my pharmacy bottle collection as soon as I am back from Paris and when there is a sunny day.


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