Muistatteko ostoslistani? Listalla oli Mariian hopeinen siipiriipus, jonka kävin ostamassa itselleni etukäteiseksi joululahjaksi...
Samalla listalla olleen Stylis't guide to New York-kirjan tilasin Amazonista. Paketti tuli eilen, mutta odottamani kirjan sijaan sisälsi jonkun minulle tuntemattoman 60-luvun brittipoliitikon elämänkerran... Sähköpostiini palutuksesta/vaihdosta ei ainakaan vielä ole vastattu. Onneksi kirja oli itselle, ei joululahjaksi...
Do you remember my shopping list? I had Mariia's sterling silver wing pendant on the lis. I bought it to myself as a pre Christmas gift and love it.
I ordered from the same list Stylist's guide to New York book from Amazon. The parcel arrived yesterday, but instead of the awaited book it containded memoirs of an unknown (at least to me) British 60's politician. I have emailed the sender, but at least this far haven't received any info on return/exchange. Fortunately the book wasn't a Christmas gift.
I ordered from the same list Stylist's guide to New York book from Amazon. The parcel arrived yesterday, but instead of the awaited book it containded memoirs of an unknown (at least to me) British 60's politician. I have emailed the sender, but at least this far haven't received any info on return/exchange. Fortunately the book wasn't a Christmas gift.