"Otatteko kuivakakun mukaan? Se on huono." kysyi anoppini tehdessämme lähtöä maalta. Tottahan kakku oli napattava kyytiin, kun myyntipuhekin oli noin vakuuttava!
Anoppi tosin korjasi nopeasti lausuntoaan; kakku oli hieman kuivempi kuin hän oli toivonut, mutta muuten kunnollinen.
Päätin tehdä jäätelökakkua ja käyttää kuivakakkua sen pohjaan. Painelin hieman pehmenneen jäätelön tuorekelmulla vuoratun vuoan pohjalle, päälle taputtelin tiiviiksi kerrokseksi Nutellan kanssa tehosekoittimessa jauhettua kuivakakkua. Koko komeus tuorekelmulla peiteltynä pakastimeen odottamaan syöjiään. Ennen tarjoilua kumosin kakun vadille, poistin kelmut ja sulatin suklaata päälle. Suklaa jähmettyy nopeasti jäätelön pintaan. Koristeeksi vielä mansikoita ja vadelmia, sitten syömään. Ikean minirengasvuokaan tehtynä annoksesta riitti runsas pala kahdelle syöjälle. Ja se kakku-Nutellapohja oli ihan täydellinen!
"Will you take the bunt cake with you? It's bad." asked my mother in law when we were leaving their place. Sure, after such convincin sentence I had to grab it with me!
However, she rapidly corrected; the cake was a little drier than she had hoped for, but otherwise fine.
I decided to make an ice cream cake and use few slices of the bunt cake for it. I pressed soft ice cream in the bottom of cling fim lined mold, on top I patted tightly a layer with of Nutella bunt cake mixture I had made in blender. Cake went in fridge, before serving I turned it over on a cake platter, removed the cling film and poured melted chocolate on top. Chocolate hardens quickly on the ice cream. For decoration I used strawberries and raspberries. I made he cake in a small children's Ikea tin mold. It was plenty for two. And the cake Nutella bottom layer was just perfect!
"Will you take the bunt cake with you? It's bad." asked my mother in law when we were leaving their place. Sure, after such convincin sentence I had to grab it with me!
However, she rapidly corrected; the cake was a little drier than she had hoped for, but otherwise fine.
I decided to make an ice cream cake and use few slices of the bunt cake for it. I pressed soft ice cream in the bottom of cling fim lined mold, on top I patted tightly a layer with of Nutella bunt cake mixture I had made in blender. Cake went in fridge, before serving I turned it over on a cake platter, removed the cling film and poured melted chocolate on top. Chocolate hardens quickly on the ice cream. For decoration I used strawberries and raspberries. I made he cake in a small children's Ikea tin mold. It was plenty for two. And the cake Nutella bottom layer was just perfect!