Lokakuu alkoi ihanan aurinkoisena...October started sunny...
...olihan syyskuun viimeinen päiväkin ollut historiallisen lämmin...
...last day of September had been historically warm...
...sunnuntai oli jo viileämpi...
...Sunday was already cooler...
...mutta silakkamarkkinoilla oli tunnelmaa. Siipalla ei olut käteistä, joten annoin hänelle 20 € ja kehotin käyttämään viisaasti. Hän osti saaristolaisleipää, valkosipulikurkkuja ja suppilovahveroita. Ihan viisasta, silakat kun eivät ole herkkuani...
...but we still visited yearly herring market. Husband didn't have cash with him, so I gave him 20 € and adviced to use them wisely. He bought traditional dark bread, garlic marinated cucumbers and funnel chantarelles. I am not fand of herring, so his selection was wise...
...but we still visited yearly herring market. Husband didn't have cash with him, so I gave him 20 € and adviced to use them wisely. He bought traditional dark bread, garlic marinated cucumbers and funnel chantarelles. I am not fand of herring, so his selection was wise...